>> FREE 45-min workshop
Peek behind the curtain into what it's like to start your own business! One of my amazing business development clients, Russ Jones, will join as my cohost to share about his own business-building journey.
We'll talk about:
the shift from having an idea to actually creating a business
where the heck to start (and what to wait and do later)
how to figure out your first offering
how to give yourself some security while you're building
how to invite people to work with you in a way that feels good
and lots more
Russ is a human ray of sunshine. We're gonna love you up, share our knowledge and experience, and help you feel more prepared to turn this dream of yours into a reality.
from Careergasm Founder Sarah Vermunt, featured at
from Careergasm Founder Sarah Vermunt, featured at
I'm Sarah Vermunt, the gal behind Careergasm. I'm a career coach, former business professor, and the bestselling author of Careergasm and Career Rookie. I've been helping people build their own businesses for more than 10 years.
I've served up straight-talking career and business advice at places like Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, Fortune, and Fast Company. And each month, my advice is pumped into millions of homes across North America.
I help people get unstuck and move towards work that actually feels good. For many, that means ditching your 9-5 and working for yourself.
>> FREE 45-min workshop