Start a Business
If you're working up the guts to leave your corporate gig to do your own thing, these resources will help you make it happen.
Biz Foundations: Build a Business You'll Love
>> Signature Business Development Program
This is my signature business development program for aspiring entrepreneurs — to take you from idea to launch so you can leave your 9-5 and do your own thing.
Entrepreneurship 101: How the Heck to Start Your Own Business >> FREE 40-min workshop
You're thinking about building your own business, but you're not sure where to start. I'll help you dial down the overwhelm by walking you through 5 of the MOST IMPORTANT things to know when you're starting out.
Entreprecurious? A Chat With One of My Clients
>> FREE 45-min workshop
What is it actually like to start your own business? Peek behind the curtain into my client Russ Jones' journey as we talk about the build, marketing, mindset, where to start, and what to wait and do later.
Budding New Business: A Chat With One of My Clients
>> FREE 45-min workshop
A chat with one of my clients about her journey into starting a new business. We'll talk about the learning curve, identity, shifts, how dabbling became doing, and embracing change.
Biz Foundations Program Tour
>> 15-min tour
A quickie tour of my Biz Foundations program, my 1-on-1 strategic coaching program for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their own business.
Biz Systems I Use & Love
>> My favourite tools for business
The tools and systems I use to keep Careergasm purring like a kitten — the ones I love using and recommend most to my business development clients.
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