“Thanks for helping me find the courage to make changes and showing me tools so that I can make informed decisions! It was so reassuring to know that you’d call me on my bullshit. I love my support network, but my cheerleaders sometimes find it hard to stay objective. I have a much clearer picture of what I want now.”
Sabrina Royal
"This was life-changing. I'm so grateful I could cry! I used to panic and bolt, which led to one unfulfilling career after another, but now I've learned to be intentional. That's huge. Thank you for everything."
Juanita Kwarteng
“Careergasm has given me direction and allowed me to pull the career answers I’ve been looking for from within myself. Sarah won’t tell you what you need, she’ll enable you to tell yourself.”
Liam Oldershaw
"Thank you so much for your empathetic guidance and your unique approach! This program is DIRECTLY responsible for how I was able to trust my gut, clearly articulate my strengths, get the job, and land the highest salary I've ever commanded! I'm deeply grateful that our paths crossed."
Linden Hilson
“I feel that I’ve grown so much with your mentoring. I finally feel like I have a direction and I don’t think that’s something I ever had. Now to move forward with that! Thank you!”
Lawrie Melton
"Thank you so much for everything, Sarah. Honestly. You are an amazing soundboard and a huge model in how I'm shaping my life. Change is scary, hard, and filled with a lot of "WTF" moments and you've allowed me to see beyond what I've created for myself and step into what's next."
Rachel Kelly
"I accepted a fabulous job that is the perfect combination of my skills. Very much in my wheelhouse. The people are fantastic, and I have a great boss. What a relief not to go to work with a constant knot in my stomach! Thank you again for everything. I couldn't have gotten here without you."
Jasmine Cirjanic
"My direction and intentions feel more clear than ever thanks to your guidance! I feel much more confident applying for jobs and pursuing a career. Thank you again for all your help."
Thulacy Sriakantha
“I hated my job so much I panicked when I woke up knowing I had to go to the office. And when I had to cross a bridge that led to work. And when I sat at my desk. This was cell-deep hate — so deep I couldn’t see a way out. But with Sarah and I found a way out. You will too.”
Jeff D'Hondt
“Sarah helped me when I was going through a tough time figuring out what I wanted to do. Actually, I KNEW what I wanted to do, I just didn’t know where to start. Sarah is a calming spirit, which made opening up to her about my goals easy, and she gave me the tools to turn my talking into action. Keep fueling the fires of your clients’ dreams, Sarah. Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart.”
Jody Brown
“I am so happy and grateful to have worked with you. You really helped me think introspectively and to act on my passion and interests! And for that – thank you!”
Michelle Spiteri
"I GOT THE JOB!!!! It's something I have always dreamed of but didn't believe I could do until our work together. Thank you so much for being a calm, steady, brilliant coach. I enjoyed working with you more than I can express. I know I was meant to find you so that you could help me arrive where I am now. Thank you!!!"
Chrissy Callery
“If you’re ready to go balls deep into some serious awesomeness… WORK. WITH. THIS. LADY! Sarah helped me bring my A-game to a career path I’ve always dreamed of. She’s more magical than unicorns and sparkles combined and I’m beyond grateful to have her in my corner.”
Ashley De Filippis
“Outrageously refreshing! Sarah provides a warm, adventurous and innovative approach to reaching new heights both from a personal and career perspective. Loaded with thought-provoking insights and questions, her approach quickly illuminated what I needed more of and what I needed to chop. Sarah seamlessly turns dreams into reality. Thank you so much Sarah! You have helped me so much. Keep rocking!”
Derek McKenzie
“Sarah helped me recognize my superpowers, then develop them and share them with the world. My confidence went from 4 to 10 in a couple of months. Before we were done working together, I got a job that ticked all the boxes!”
Daphne Gordon
“I just received an offer!! And I’ll be making a much higher salary than I was at my last company. I am so thankful for your help throughout this super weird time in my life. Thank you again for everything!! Couldn’t have done it without you!”
Micole Himelfarb
“Sarah tells you how she sees it. She’s clear and concise and doesn’t bullshit. We would all be blessed to have someone like her in our corner.”
Darrell Cheung
“This really helped me figure out some of the things I want in my life, and helped me think about what I need to get to where I want to be. It was actually a very calm and cleansing experience for me. You helped me to be more open and not so closed off.”
Melissa Whymns
“Sarah, my business would not have happened without your brilliant mind, beautiful heart, and awesome sauce. Best decision I ever made. I could not be more grateful for your support.”
Carissa MacLennan
“Thank you so much! I feel way more confident about myself. At first, I felt like I was probably the only one who had no idea where my career was headed. I have hope now and it’s all thanks to you.”
Dipa Talukder
“I so appreciate your wisdom and generosity, and I feel ready to get into ACTION. Your questions insights and tips really helped me move forward. A big THANK YOU!”
Nicola Holmes
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! You rock the house, the casbah, and the Christmas tree!
Jude Temple
“The structure and accountability you provided was exactly the kick in the butt I needed! Thank you so much!!!”
Andrea Gust
“I wanted to let you know how sincerely appreciative I am of your support and help. Really, thank you so much!”
Alexander J.A. Pease
“It’s amazing how applicable your advice has been for me in the real world. I was fortunate to have 5 interviews out of 11 job applications. The resume, cover letter writing, and interview tips really helped me out in acquiring a job. I owe a lot of this success to you and don’t know how to express my gratitude but to write to you. Thank-you so much for going above and beyond with your experience and wisdom. Very grateful.”
Sylvest Zara
"After having my first child I found myself feeling overwhelmed and lost. I wasn’t sure (for the first time EVER!) if I should continue with my business or not. Sarah helped me realize and notice that, YES I DO LOVE WHAT I DO! I DO WANT TO KEEP GOING! However, she showed me that I needed to start passing off work that no longer suited me and continue forward with what does. Thank you Sarah for helping me find my professional groove again!”
Carla Catherwood
“From the beginning, the name Careergasm caught my attention and gave me insight into the type of coach Sarah is – authentic, fun, sassy and smart! Her programs and courses helped me to explore my path and purpose in an easy-to-follow, intuitive way. Her no-nonsense approach ensures you get where you say you want to go! Thank you Sarah for your wise, wise guidance!”
Fazeena Haniff
"I just handed in my resignation today and will be starting a new gig! I feel like a weight has been lifted, and that I'm finally in the driver's seat of my life again. Thank you!"
Andrea Querido
"Wow, I was not expecting this high! I followed your method to counter my salary offer and got even more money than I expected. I'd never even considered countering a salary offer to ask for more money before, and I never would have without your guidance. Your methods work. Thank you!!!"
Hannah Zimbel
"This was so practical! Seeing behind the curtain was helpful in understanding the process. The accountability and the editorial feedback were really valuable, and I like the integrity you bring to your interactions."
Glain Roberts-McCabe
“The structure and accountability you gave me was EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you!”
Meghan O'Rourke
“Sarah is a career / biz Swiss Army knife. She does it all!”
Erica Breuer
“Careergasm is like Skittles. I just want to gobble everything up!!!”
Jhannell Edwards
“After losing my job of twenty-two years, Sarah helped me to not only to see clearly the path I wanted to follow but also to trust who I am and what I can offer to others through my work. I will always cherish her knowledge and warmth and I’m forever grateful that our paths crossed at a challenging time in my life.”
Monica Della
“Working with Sarah helped solidify where I wanted to transition my career, but also identified supporting aspects I didn’t realize were important to me. I'm more confident in where I’m taking my career thanks to our work, and more excited about opportunities than I've ever been. She took the time to get to know me and then used that information to help me identify how to structure my career plan.”
Trevor Seelert
"Thank you so much. This was an invaluable experience and I can't believe I had a breakthrough in that last moment. You're a wonderful coach and I'm very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with you!"
Yasmin Azin-Baktiar
“Sarah, you have been such an asset – to me and to everyone you work with.”
Charmaine Hack
“Thank you again for all of your help. Your words and advice continue to resonate with me almost daily and I’m super grateful for your help.”
Joanna Falck
“Thank you again for your help and for always being such a positive force for me!”
Erin Valois
“I am so grateful that I had the privilege to work with Sarah when I did. I didn’t know what the hell my next move in my career was going to be. Sarah, my sparkly career fairy, worked her magic and helped me get really clear on what I wanted and needed in my career. Sarah, I can’t thank you enough for our time together. You are AMAZING!”
Seja Ateia
“I have never been more on fire! This program guarantees clarity, inspiration and motivation to truly find your passion and purpose. If you are looking for answers and are willing to climb inside of yourself to find them, DO THIS! And Sarah, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your insight and guidance. Seriously. Invaluable.”
Lisa Greig
“What I loved about working with Sarah is I felt like she GOT me! She made me feel like I wasn’t alone in my crazy entrepreneurial dreams. Working with her made me feel extra motivated and I couldn’t wait to connect with her at our sessions because I knew she truly cared about what I was creating. It felt amazing to have that type of support.”
Sharon Stokes
“It feels like the training wheels are about to come off, but I know you’ve truly set me up for success. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your guidance and support. You are truly a remarkable individual, one that I am grateful to have met.”
Kevin Goodchild
“Suddenly I feel so clear!!! Thank you for helping me to define and chase the things that are truly important to me. I’m glad I’ve taken risks and learned to be braver. A million thanks!”
Raquel Anne
“Sarah is a true professional. She gives freely of herself, her time, and is a positive spirit. I love working with Sarah. She’s fun, bright, and bold, and that to me is what differentiates her from anyone else!”
David Cohen
“After reading her book cover to cover in just a couple days, I crossed my fingers that Sarah would have a spot open for coaching. She did! And it’s the BEST thing I’ve done for my own happiness in years. We connected easily, and I always felt like we tapped into the true essence of what I want for my future; she didn’t try to fit me into a mold that didn’t feel ‘right’. I’m deeply grateful Sarah. Thank you!”
Meghan Legere
“Working with Sarah is exactly what I needed to kick my business up a notch! I’m so impressed with how much I was able to accomplish thanks to her guidance. I was able to get really clear on my niche and ideal client, refine my copy, create and polish my programs, successfully execute a rebrand, and implement a solid strategy. The amount of progress I’ve made thanks to her support and encouragement is astounding! If you are looking for a true partner in a coach, Sarah is your gal! I highly recommend her.”
Kamara Toffolo
“Sarah is a bold, engaging and authentic speaker. She spoke at both the IBM Global Entrepreneur Day and at the national SociaLIGHT Conference and I highly recommend her. Her energy, wisdom and insight was valuable for all the delegates and their ongoing success. Sarah is a woman who walks her talk. Her courage, commitment and impact is an example to leaders who genuinely seek to follow the beat of their own song and heart!”
Theresa Laurico
“Careergasm feels as good as it sounds! A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. In less than two months I had a complete revelation. I’ve never had such clarity.”
Marissa Asperjan
“I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me! Thank you so much!”
Garlande Haney
“Thank you so much Sarah!! You’ve really changed my life for the better. My husband refers to you as “Sarah the Savior” — so there’s something to add to your business cards!”
Alex Popoff
"I 100% would not be where I am today without your program. You have helped me in so many ways. From niching down, to the accountability piece to having all the copy for a whole website complete! Yay! AND the personal growth piece especially — helping me deal with insecurities and self-sabotage around starting a business. It feels incredible after struggling to figure it out on my own. I’m so grateful I found you. You’re a true gem."
Charlene Ferguson
“Sarah has a comedic, common sense approach to career guidance. After seeing Sarah on stage, I decided she MUST speak to Women in Biz Network members. We had a fabulous career circle for our members and we all walked away feeling more centered in career choices. I passionately recommend Sarah! Whether you are going through challenges at your present job, exploring new options or diving into entrepreneurship, Sarah’s wise words will help you find the clarity you seek.”
Leigh Mitchell
“I started working with Sarah during a period of MAJOR change in my personal and work life. I was so overwhelmed and confused, I really had no idea where or how to start figuring out what to do next. From our first interaction, Sarah was a friendly, calming and inspiring influence, and she helped me systematically work through my emotional and career baggage to develop a plan for my next career move. Sarah, thank you so much for all of your help.”
Kristin Kelly
"I took Sarah’s business development program in hopes of building skills and confidence. The intimate setting, the thoughtful classes and assignments, as well as Sarah’s enthusiastic and engaging approach were so constructive and beneficial! From our very first contact, Sarah made me feel understood and respected and she knew when and how to push me towards growth and success. Her time and attention were incredibly helpful, and gave me the boost that I needed to launch my business. I would definitely recommend working with Sarah! She’s the best!"
Julie Binmore
“Sarah spoke at our DYPB – Discover Your Personal Brand Conference with great success and flair. She clearly has a passion for her work, an engagement style that resonated with many delegates and was one of our most popular speakers. The attendees loved her message of brazen authenticity in business and her interactive exercises got attendees excited and talking to each other. There was a lineup of people eager to speak to her after the talk, which demonstrated her impact. I personally can’t wait to collaborate with her again.”
Bobby Umar
"Sarah had a huge impact on my life in more ways than I can express. She helped realize what was missing in order to successfully launch my business, and helped me get the clarity I needed to make important decisions. Her program was EXTREMELY valuable for me to clarify my vision, recognize gaps, and develop a concrete path forward. Sarah rocks — she is straightforward and is amazing at zeroing in on the stuff that really matters. Thank you, Sarah, for all your help, and all the practical ways you set me on the right path."
Elena W.
“I appreciate your support and I’m grateful for all your help. Your work is deeply inspiring, meaningful, incredibly motivational and transformational.”
Chipamong Chowdhury
"Careergasm is pure gold. Holy wow, Sarah, thank you so much!"
Gwen Elliot
"I am very VERY grateful for this. Thank you for helping me to identify what matters to me and to go after it. I'm moving forward into this next phase of life with a new spark."
Marissa Hay
“I cannot thank you enough for all the help, guidance and genuine support you’ve given me over the last few months. Starting on this path of career change… well, it feels so damn good! I have never felt like this about any career path so I am a zillion times thankful!”
Elaine Leek
“Sarah is a genuine no-BS kind of girl! She tells it to you straight and helps you get to the heart and soul of what rocks your socks. Sarah, thank you for your support and kindness. You changed my life! ”
Jane MacKenzie
“It feels good to finally have a roadmap for my future business. I am coming out from this program with so much more clarity and confidence. I’m still nervous about putting myself out there, but now I know I can do it!”
Olena Gisys
“This has been a really beautiful process. I have had so many aha moments working with you that I wouldn’t have had on my own. Thank you so much!”
Kelly Uruena
“Working with Sarah helped me feel comfortable with the uncomfortable parts of building an authentic brand. I feel great about everything we created together and now it’s just a matter of putting it out there.”
Sarah Flint
“The work I did with you really helped me get to the root of what I need to fix in my career. Thank you so much!”
Nola Simon
“I am feeling super excited and empowered, and only a little bit terrified of taking this next step in my career. Thank you again for listening to a stranger’s frustration and flipping it into powerful action with your attentive support!”
Jennifer Gordon
“I never thought I could do this, Sarah. But in just a few months, I’ve made it a reality! Thank you for cheering me on, telling me it’s possible and laying out the steps. Working with you was the push I needed to give it a shot and take flight. Lots of love, and so much thanks!”
Kattie Smilovsky
“This is the kick in the pants that I needed! I now feel so much more confident in what I have to offer and how to put myself out into the world. Sarah’s knowledge and feedback is truly invaluable.”
Rachel Despres
“This was so helpful. It shifted things for me.”
Christina Carew
“I LOVE what you do!”
Meg Pearson
“Absolutely inspiring.”
Marcia McRoberts
“Sarah is an inspired, supportive and intuitive coach. Her energy and insights help you push past personal and professional barriers to achieve your goals. Her caring, authentic and positive approach really gave me the support and push I needed to make a big professional change and pursue a more balanced and sustainable work & life. I would recommend her highly to anyone looking to make changes in their career and overall lifestyle.”
Disa MacKay
“Sarah’s presentation was spot on for our group of coaches and therapists. Her down-to-earth and engaging style put us all immediately at ease. Within minutes, she had us experimenting with a new technique for developing our own personal brand, and the room was filled with laughter and an excited buzz as we learned. I would highly recommend Sarah as a speaker and coach for any entrepreneur who is looking to develop their voice online or in person."
Lianne Krakauer
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really enjoyed our time together and appreciate your generosity of materials and spirit. Your encouragement was motivating and your demeanour made me feel like I was an equal. Your prompts have encouraged me to see how my writing and my coaching work together and I’m excited to move forward with the ideas we have planted. Thank you for everything. Deep gratitude.”
Wendy Borders Gauntner
“Sarah cut through the clutter of my internal BS and helped me unapologetically accept my strengths, passions, and non-negotiables — basically my career compass! She did it with the honesty and love of a sassy best friend. Thank you Sarah!”
Elaine Wong
“Sarah, it was a true pleasure working with you! The sessions with you not only gave me clarity and focus, but also motivated me and inspired me. I learned so much about myself. You helped me feel confident about my path and provided invaluable insight, encouragement and wisdom. Thanks for everything!”
"You've been a beacon of light for me throughout this whole process, and for so many of us who have struggled and need healing. I'm in a much better place now and I'm looking forward to what's next. Thank you so much."
Deanna Liderman
“You are my one-stop-shop, 'finger on the pulse of reality', and ‘don’t poop your pants, it’s gonna be ok’ guide. Big hugs and so much gratitude!!!”
Sara Mason
“You’ve really helped me get clarity and pull the pieces together. I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you so much.”
Jaclyn Goman
“I got a new job!! And I feel like it’s shaping up to give me all the things I wanted. I’m really excited to see where this new chapter takes me. Thanks again for all your help and support!”
Meg Shannon
“This program has been a really informative tool in helping shed light on common themes and ingredients that are essential to finding the right career path for me. The modules make you dig deeper into clues we often don’t realize are there. Sarah knows what needs to be asked.”
Fiona Kiernan
“The structure this provided was exactly what I needed. And I’m so grateful for your tips and feedback. I’m glad I signed up and I’ve actually told a couple of other people about the program!"
Samantha Ossaduke
“Thank you so much for everything you did to help me land such an amazing job! I couldn’t have done without your guidance and knowledge. You instilled confidence in myself and in my direction. I cant wait to see where it takes me!”
Kelly MacDonald
“Sarah’s coaching allowed me to make connections and articulate concepts that I had not previously. Thoughtful, thorough, and down-to-earth, she was supportive and kind every step of the way.”
Cornelia Alden
“I had FIVE job interviews this week thanks to you! Before our work together I was getting nowhere. I tell absolutely everybody about you. Thank you so much!”
Renee G.
“Ahhhhh!!! Thank you so much for all your amazing help!!!!! I can’t believe what a remarkable resource you have been for me. I got so much out of this. I am so grateful to you! Thank you!!!!!”
Megan Forrest
“Thank you so much! This experience has been the most rewarding and I am so glad I decided to go into this with you.”
Christine Medieros
“I needed this. Thank you.”
Marion Langford
“It is a breath of fresh air to see a person walking the talk and acting as a perfect example of what they themselves help others achieve.”
Candice Gallinger
“I’m about to join the scared-shitless-but-isn’t-
Liz Williams
“I just got published at Business Insider!!! It’s 70 degrees outside, but at my house it’s Christmas! Huge thanks to Sarah Vermunt at Careergasm. She gave me the confidence and skills to finally start writing for my business. I’m so lucky to have you on my journey, Sarah!”
Anne Bechard
“Sarah, you are an angel! Thank-you for gracing me with your beautiful presence. You were such an incredible gift which I will treasure always! Keep on rocking and shining your light, you star!”
Saskia Luisa Adams
“Insightful, empathetic, and hilarious, Sarah’s workshop created a safe space for both established and aspiring entrepreneurs to confront uncomfortable questions about which business goals are worth pursuing and which to ditch. She offered an easily applicable framework, blending psychology, intuition, and business sense. Sarah immediately connected with the audience, sharing anecdotes from her own experience that had the room laughing, reflecting, and asking lots of questions. After following Sarah online and devouring her book, it was a joy to experience her in person! ”
Emily Rose Antflick
“Before I met Sarah I felt confused, conflicted and scared. I thought that I should be smart enough to know what I needed to do to get myself unstuck in my career, but there was all this stuff in my head that I couldn’t make sense of. Sarah helped me to get comfortable with the process of exploration. She helped ease my anxiety around 'I don’t know’ and ‘now what?’, and all the uncomfortable spaces in-between. She helped me find my way to a career that I love. Thank you Sarah! Big hugs and lots of love to you!”
Alyssa Muzaffar
“Sarah spoke to Fanshawe College students and graduates as the keynote at our annual Student Career Conference. Her engaging and uplifting presentation, peppered with concrete tips and tools for career success, was by all accounts valuable and meaningful for the participants. Sarah provided students with lots of time for dialogue and questions and responded to their enquiries with heart and humor. They left with real life examples of how determination, being true to yourself, and building support systems can equip you with a recipe for success. Thank you Sarah!”
Darlene O'Neill
"Thank you for helping me along on this journey. It has been eye-opening and challenging and so rewarding."
Francesca I.
"Thank you so much for helping me find some light. It was a pleasure working with you. Keep doing what you're doing. You're amazing at it."
Nadia Vaughn
“Thanks for all of the validation and helping me see that which I already knew.”
Kashi Madhani
“You and your coaching gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and not be paralyzed by fear. Thank you!”
Lisa Tugnette
"I'm writing so much more now! I liked having time set aside to write and having homework assignments. There was a sense of accountability. And I loved the community."
Tina Chow
"I came in feeling very stuck with my writing. This helped to take my brain in a different direction. It opened something up and I found that I could go back and actually write."
Phil Rickaby
"You were so generous with all of your resources — things I didn't even expect to get! And I loved the opportunity to meet your publisher. It was really cool because the process of publishing a book was one of the questions I had."
Jen Gonzales
"I needed to have these carved out chunks of time. That was huge. And it was such an incredible pleasure! It was my favourite thing I looked forward to each week."
Maria Gergin
“I’m blown away and inspired by how you are just rocking it in your arena and the example you offer to all women in business that dreams are absolutely achievable. Women like you give light so that more and more of us can step into our own lights.”
Lisa Colalillo
“You are a pretty damn awesome human being! Thanks for helping me clarify things.”
Felicia Ryan
“Thank you so much for helping me through a scary yet thrilling time in my professional development.”
Genevieve Roch-Decter
“Sarah Vermunt is inspiring for me on a daily basis! Careergasm is a must join for all female entrepreneurs!”
Jeannette Orazietti
“Everything you’ve shared with us has been so practical and applicable! Over the course of our time together I’ve let go a lot and just leaped! Feels amazeballs.”
Ami Au-Yeung
“Sarah’s program is nothing short of complete awesomeness!!! I now have the clarity and confidence I need to take the calculated risks necessary to take action and go forward in the direction of my goals.”
“Sarah Vermunt is super smart and super fun. Everyone thinks she is totally awesome and everyone is right. Thanks for everything, Sarah.”
Cathy Bereznak Yonek
“Sarah, you’re one helluva person. Definitely one of a kind. Truly exceptional.”
Marisa Modeski
"This was magic for me."
Jocelyn Sweet
“Are you kidding me?! You’re so fucking talented. Love you so!”
Linda Sivertsen
“As a new grad, doing this program was the best decision I made! It helped me to uncover what I really wanted, and broke it down into bite-sized steps. And Sarah’s infectious positive energy made me feel so confident and relaxed through the process. Thank you Sarah!”
Laura Thompson
“I’m trying to stay inspired as a young business woman and finding your work has definitely reenergized my week, if not my outlook on what I could and should be doing. Thanks for continuing to work hard and for being a great example of what we as women can accomplish.”
Jessica Sanchez
“Sarah, thank you so much for your help with everything. This ‘asking for help’ thing was new to me and you made it really easy! I feel much more confident about what I want to focus on for the next few years. I knew I had to change something, but I didn’t know what and this will make a huge difference.”
Elise D.
“I am super inspired. You are a strong, beautiful, independent woman who has a voice and is making the world a better place!!!”
Kim Maclean-Targon
“Experience, confidence, and know-all…you have it all.”
Krissy Neilsen
“I feel honoured to have worked with you. I am professionally grateful for all your work and personally humbled by your many achievements.”
Susan Vercruysse
“This was an exercise in discovering what my wants actually were instead of what I thought they were. I realized some of the truths that had been lying in wait just under the surface of my subconscious!! It’s trusting your instincts and really honing in on what you want for your life. My mother always used to tell me that all you have to do is put it out into the universe and the universe will respond. This work is doing just that!”
Sarah Strange
“Sarah, I just wanted to thank you for the work we've done in these past few weeks. I gained a lot of insight into my career path, from being ‘I was thinking of‘ to ‘I’m going to‘. I really think that this is one of those experiences that I’ll never forget. You made a very positive impact in my life when I needed it most, and you deserve to know that. Thank you so much!”
Melissa D'Cunha
“My experience with Sarah was brilliant! She pays attention to details like first impressions and how to stand out. Without her help, that stuff wouldn’t have even crossed my mind. She helped me realize that most of my interview worries were mostly in my head, and that mistakes can be fixed with practice. She taught me how to deal with anxiety and we worked on friendly, open body language. She really helped boost my confidence and helped me land a great gig!”
Leah Halin
“Thank-you for all of your help for Leah! She couldn’t say enough about how much you’ve done to boost her confidence and the great advice she got from you. I am really glad we found you and believe Leah will continue to benefit from what she learned.”
Judit Halin
“HUGE thanks to Sarah Vermunt from Careergasm. If you want to write for big publications and want help writing effectively, want to know how to send your thoughts out into the world efficiently, I highly suggest Sarah’s program. Without her support and her program, I wouldn’t have taken this big step.”
Ari Sizemore
“Sarah totally delivered. She helped me zero in on my niche and ideal client, helped me figure out the content for my website and then was kind enough to give great feedback both before and after it went live. Thanks so much for your help Sarah!”
Karen DeVries
“I’m really glad I met you. I have learned a great deal and, most of all, to trust myself and my talents. Thanks so much.”
Lu-Anne Da Costa
“Your work has given me a lot of comfort and guidance when I have moments of thinking what have I gotten myself into?!"
Noelle Frost
“You have been inspirational to me from day one, and I know that you’ll continue to inspire many others.”
Samantha Read
“I feel so solid now. And so clear about what I want this business to be. Thank you so much.”
Stephanie Lear
“Thank you so much for this help and advice. You are totally killing it! Massively inspired."
Vicky Kulic
“Thank you for helping me keep my face out of a bag of marshmallows this evening. I’m already starting to feel better.”
Nicole Scherbina
“The work we did together planted the seeds for this path. Thank you. I'm so grateful we got to work together.”
Sisi Liang
“Ahhhh!!! THANK YOU! My interview went really well! Our work together was so helpful.”
Jen Marchain
“Things have never made so much sense in my life and my work. It's all happening! Thank you so much.”
Gina Oades
“I am so happy and grateful to have worked with you. You really helped me think introspectively and to act on my passion and interests! And for that – thank you!”
Sarah Isaac
“Combining her natural empathy with her strong guiding touch gives Sarah a truly unique edge when it come to career coaching. There is no tough love with this woman, just honest, powerful support. I would recommend her to anyone looking for clarity on the career front.”
Elizabeth Nutting
“I needed you. I didn’t know what I was doing before and it feels good to finally have a solid plan. Thank you SO much.”
Hattie Coleman
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